富士康主板: 網友回帖就得禮品 富士康主板大禮贈送點評
  • 3樓 Re: 富士康主板: 網友回帖就得禮品 富士康主板大禮贈送


    Has anyone out there ever bought wholesale or retail from this company in China called LDU

    Company before? They have a bunch of things that we were thinking about buying and we may

    even order a container load of dollar store stuff from them. I like the idea that you can order only 1

    or 5 of an item and have it put in a container with other items, but I would feal a little better if I could

    talk to some one who has bought from them before. Even if you only bought one little lighter or

    knife from them then I would like to talk to you to see how they are. They look like they are more

    then just a dollar store distributor - wholesaler. The website is www.LDUcompany.com

    Also if any one knows of any wholesale camping or flashlight distributors we are also in need of

    some of those items.

    Any help would be appreciated.article/bb/1244.html?ltime=21:57:42
  • 作者:ghfdhsa 2008-6-2 10:59:00
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